Saturday, August 15, 2009

Urine formation by the nephrons in the kidney


This is a short but crisp video on how urine is formed from the blood at the millions of tiny nephrons found in the kidneys. The involvement of the glomerulus, proximal and distal tubules, the loop of Henle and processes such as ultra-filtration and active transport are explained.


DNA and protein synthesis animations


This post is on animations of how ribosomes are sites where amino acids are assembled to produce protein molecules in cells.The structure of DNA and the nitrogenous base pairs are also mentioned.

How the DNA works can be seen by clicking on this link:

DNA to protein, how the DNA is transcribed to form the mRNA and used to make protein molecules in the cytoplasm. The site of production being the ribosomes.

This simple yet clear video explains transcription, formation of mRNA, nuclear membrane pores, ribosomes the molecular factory, translation, tRNA and protein assembly. the long chain of amino acids or protein being folded to form the 3D structure before it is ready for its use in the body.




Some really cool videos for your viewing pleasure. Learn where hormones are produced, how they travel to the target organs and how they help to co-ordinate processes in our bodies.

The endocrine glands (places which secrete hormones) have a rich supply of blood capillaries in them to carry the chemical messengers(hormones)to all parts of the body where the blood stream flows. the target cells have complementary receptor on their surface membranes. these receptors will bind with the hormones and produces the specific response. After the hormones have done their functions will be destroyed in the liver.


Deforestation-the tragic aftermath


Listen to these songs and watch the videos on the impact of man on the environment. Big animals like the Sumatran tiger of which only about 10 are left in the wild will not take long to go extinct. Small animals like frogs and fresh water organisms, and plants big and small are all in danger when their habitats disappear.

These haunting images of the near extinct magnificent fauna and flora are seldom in the radar of our everyday experiences but they are all treasures which we must be taught to treasure and preserve for our future generations. They are not only beautiful, but their demise will decrease the biodiversity of organisms on the planet. They are important in economic crop plant and animal breeding and as sources of new pharmaceutical products.

For more songs on the environment, click on the link below to listen to Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil.


Pollination and sexual reproduction in plants


Pollination involves flowers and pollen grains. The agents of pollination could be insects such as bees, ants, bats and other animals that visit flowers to get their food- pollen grains and nectar.

After the pollen grain is successfully transferred from the anther to the stigma, fertilisation process will kick in. This process is different from that in animals as the pollen grain germinates and grows a pollen tube will allows the male gamete to travel through the tube to the ovule.

Flowers go to great lengths to avoid self-fertilisation and prefer cross-fertilisation. It is fascination to see this processes employed in the different species of flowering plants.

Watch these two videos to clarify these concepts.


Heavy metal poisoning, Minamata disaster


Watch this disturbing video of what happened in Japan in the 1950s and 1960s at Minamata Bay area. Students, this topic is found in your syllabus on water pollution and bioaccumulation.

Mercury compounds in organic forms are very poisonous to the body. It was first noticed in the pet cats in the village. It was initially called the "Cats Dance Disease". Mercury compounds accumulates in cells causing central nervous system disorders, epilepsy-like symptoms and loss of sense of balance in man. In the 1960's children were born in the Minamata area with congenital brain damage and severe physical disabilities. Finally it was traced to the contamination of fish and other sea-foods with organic mercury compounds.

To listen to some songs on the environment by Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil, click on the link below;


How blood is involved in transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide


All of us know blood transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. We also know that red blood cells transport oxygen from lungs to all cells of the body. But do we also know that carbon dioxide is transported by the plasma? The red blood cells are very important in this transport too, but indirectly only.

Watch these two videos and understand the concepts better.


Cell division, mitosis and meiosis, role of meiosis in sexual reproduction and natural selection in Galapagos Islands


These two videos on the two types of cell divisions are superb. Watch and enjoy.

The function of sexual reproduction and the reason why organisms choose this form over asexual methods is explored in this video. Watch and be wowed.

Sexual reproduction, genetic variation and natural selection resulted in an explosion of phenotypes in the remote Galapagos Islands. More than 13 types of finches evolved to take advantage of the various niches available to them. This was recorded by Charles Darwin, the first scientist study these birds and the father of the theory of evolution.


Genetic engineering- production of human insulin


Watch these videos on how genetically modified E. coli bacterium is produced by scientists. The human gene that controls the production of the hormone insulin was identified. it is the "cut" out from the human chromosome on which it is found and then inserted into the bacterial DNA (plasmid). This GMO is then grown on an industrial scale to produce insulin. The hormone is excreted by the GMO and the medium is collected, the cells filtered and removed. The filtrate is purified and crystalline insulin is collected and sold on a commercial scale by pharmaceutical companies.

However many people are uncomfortable in consuming GM food or using GM products. Here is another video that explores this aspect of genetic engineering.


Asexual rerproduction, cloning Dolly the Sheep


On the topic of creating new organisms using unconventional methods, lets look at Dolly the sheep. She was created in Feb 1997 from a cell taken from the udder(milk producing glands)of a sheep. It is said that when male scientists were thinking of what to call the cloned sheep made from the udder(the equivalent in humans will be the breast) the scientists thought of Dolly Parton. View the video of this famous curvaceous country western singer and find out why.

As the offspring produced in this way is not the result of fusion of two gametes, the genetic material comes from one parent only. There will be no genetic variation. The offspring will be a carbon copy or clone. It will inherit all the genotypes of the single parent. However the phenotype may not be the same as the parent that donated the cell as environmental effects (on the multiple genes that decide the continuous variation traits) will kick in.


Meet the super cow and the featherless chicken


Arnold Schwarzenegger, a body builder with real rippling muscles grown by exercising regularly.

Creating a super beef cattle has been the dream of farmers ever since he started farming and animal husbandry.

Artificial selection or selective breeding methods have been used to create better and better breeds of animals for meat and transport purposes.

Meet the super cow, also called Arnold Schwarzenegger cow in this video.Artificial selection in this breed, called the Belgian Blue, took more than 100 years. A defective gene (mutant gene that arose spontaneously) was identified. This gene does not regulate the usual muscle growth. This resulted in "double muscle cell growth" resulting in a super cow which is all lean meat.

Sperms from this mutant was collected and used for artificial insemination.Very weird but true.

Are you ready for the featherless chicken? These chicken were also produced by selective breeding/cross breeding farmers intent on breeding new farm animals which have special advantages. The bird looks like it just walked away from the supermarket shelves!
